Shanksteps #68

August 13, 07
…We rejoyce in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces persererance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And Hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom He has given to us. Romans 5:3-5 NIV

Rejoyce in our sufferings? We havent really suffered but I sure was anxious while on our flight into N’Djamina, Chad. We flew back to Cameroon via Chad. In the airplane I started thinking of all the things that could go wrong. Our luggage not arrive, the customs in the airport seize our bags, our taxi driver not there to pick us up. Police in N’Djamina stopping our vehicle and demanding money or they would confiscate our things. Us having difficulty crossing the border with police, customs,
immigration with our expired ID cards that still after two years havent come in yet. Then once we are in country there is still the police, customs… to stop us on the road and demand various things. Added to all this is the fact that this year we are bringing back more things for us than the hospital! I feel very guilty about that. We are very blessed that there were many donations made which will be able to be used to advance Gods work here, and treat “His” children. But extra baggage mostly

As I sat on the plane with sufferings (worries) I have two choices. One is to turn to God, the other to turn to my abilities and self. I turn to God because self doesnt work very well and God always does! I pray for forgiveness for my poor choices in packing and that He give me peace and endurance to whatever lies ahead. I feel peace temporarly till I start worring again and then ask God to take the worries from me. He does and I sleep somewhat uncomfortably for a few hours.

We arrived in Chad. The taxi man was there to meet us. He “discussed” with the customs officials a long time. They wanted to open our bags. He didn’t want them to because this would cause more problems with them, and we were only transiting through chad and they didn’t need to evaluate our bags. He ended up going away with them to another room. I found out later that he paid them $12 to let us just go. They were happy and we walked out.

We slept well despite the 6 hour time change at a christian mission guest rooms. Today we came down into Cameroon without many problems. We arrived in Koza tonight. I feel tired but my body is not ready for sleep. I thank God that He not only allows sufferings but that He continued with perserverance, character, hope, and will turn into love. Pray for us as we continue here in cameroon that we would love the people as God loves them and that His love would fill us and pour out to them. Shanks

Shanksteps #69

How long has her foot been like this? I bend down to examine a 6-year-old child’s leg. She had just come into the clinic, being brought from another village near by. One of the people from Koza had heard about her finally and told the parents to bring her in. She had apparently fallen about two months ago. She had pain above her left ankle that persisted. Then she developed a sore at the spot. Next something poked out. She was able to walk but with pain. Now about a month later she was
brought into the hospital. As I examine her leg I see a white hard piece sticking out of the skin about 2 inches above the ankle that appears sharp. It is her fibula (the smaller bone of the lower leg). It was fractured and has worked its way out of the skin. I want her to stay in the hospital and undergo surgery to remove the infected piece. She didn’t come with her father, so they wouldn’t stay. As she leaves I send up a prayer that her father will bring her back and not attempt any local
measures that could make her loose her leg.

Another similar patient is in the hospital. She had a significant foot injury that has essentially healed but her 5th metatarsal (the bone at the base of the smallest toe) is sticking out the top of her foot. Fortunately she is in the hospital and when they came in Dr. Ortiz, our replacement while we were in the US, prepared them for surgery. On the x-ray I was able to also see that the two adjacent bones are also infected. So she will need a more extensive surgery than I had hoped. So we are
planning on doing this the coming week.

I also have a 21 year old that has a huge rectal mass with partial obstruction. So I will be getting right into things. We are still suffering from jet lag a few days after arriving. Please pray for us as we start back in with a couple difficult things to start out with.

While we were in the US we received some donations for the hospital and also for the patient-aid fund for those with less income than the others. I want to thank you all on behalf of the people of Koza and the hospital for your generosity and compassion for their needs. We will always use the funds given in the way that they were donated to be used. Thank you so much. It is a huge blessing both to the hospital and the community for the less fortunate. Thank you.

In His Service, Shank’s

Shanksteps #68 and #69

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