Dear family and friends,
About 2 years ago Audrey and I discovered Samaritans Purse DART program (disaster response). We joined the organization and are excited about serving people effected by disasters. About two weeks ago I realized I had time off when they were having one of their training weeks. So I contacted the DART team and signed up for the training session. About a week later hurricane Dorian was headed to the Bahamas. They called up a non-medical response. I offered to go, and they thought it best to do the training. Then they decided to deploy their Emergency Field Hospital. This is a 40 bed hospital in tents, with an operating room and delivery room. I again offered my help. They already had a surgeon and orthopedic surgeon and didn’t need me.
Two days ago, in the afternoon, I got a call. They were asking me to join the existing surgeon to help in the Bahamas. I am very excited to be able to go and serve during this disaster response. As you likely know, hurricane Dorian had sustained winds of 180 mph and from the pictures online, leveled much of the Bahamas. A hospital in one of the large towns was destroyed and this is where DART decided to deploy the emergency field hospital.
So this morning, I signed out to my partner and drove a couple hours to the airport. I am currently on my flights going towards the Bahamas. I am unsure of what awaits me. Humid heat, I’m sure! Many people, 75,000, in need. I imagine that the worst things surgically have already been dealt with or the person succumbed to their injuries. So I imagine that the hospital will be dealing with traumas from the clean up and possibly cholera and waterborne diseases from the island being half under water.
I hope to be giving you updates as I go along, but I suspect that there isn’t any communication at this point. I figure that a cell tower is one of the first things to be blown over. Either way, I will write. Then send them when I can. I hope that you are able to join in either coming to help or in your support of Samaritans Purse or other organizations that help provide disaster relief. Please pray for me, that God give me wisdom to treat each person I come in contact with, with compassion and love. Hope to communicate again soon.