Bere 2018 #12

Malaria is a killer! I’ve been seeing adults with malaria that have low hemoglobins of 7 from malaria. Others have scleral icteris (yellow eyes) from blood breakdown from malaria. Some have large spleens from malaria. About 445,000 people die of malaria each year. More than half of those are children

I finish rounds on the surgical ward and the medical wards. I head over to pediatrics to see what Dr. Sarah wants me to do next. She has one more patient to see. As I talk to her, that last patient dies of malaria. The mother is crying and runs out of the building. The aunt that was holding the baby continues to hold it and shut it’s eyes. The nurse takes the IV out. It is pointless to do CPR. We are sad at loss of another life. With the quantity of child death in Chad, it remains one of the major health issues in the country. Each mother when you ask them about children, they cay how many they’ve had and how many are living. I was doing an ultrasound on a lady the other day, and asked that question. She said she had had 8 children and 3 were living. Others have more living children than dead. Most seem to have at least one child gone.

I continue to pray for each of the wards of patients, that God would continue to heal them and that they would know Him. He is the only one that can give you peace in this world of turmoil.

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Bere 2018 #12

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