Unfortunately this is our last Shanksteps from Cameroon. As you already know, from previous shanksteps, we are moving back stateside to be near our daughter Sarah and be in closer proximity to our families. It is with sadness that we leave.
The past few weeks, even months have been hectic ones. Sarah, our daughter, was able to come out to visit us for the summer. After school she flew out and has been with us since. She has helped replacing screens on the hospital windows and doors. this is a daunting task, especially with all the “help” of patient families and workers that are to be doing other jobs. But many were recovered. I have been doing a couple operations a day and Audrey covering the majority of the hospital with 35-50 inpatients. Often when the rains start the census drops to 15-20. But so far this year it has maintained higher numbers. I am thankful for that, and hope that the income will help, before the lull without a doctor sets in, and salaries become hard to pay.
We are very concerned about the hospital. As of yet, I have not yet heard of a replacement for us. We are trying to get a local doc in the mean time, unsuccessfully. I feel lead to make this move, but am very concerned about a hospital decline like when we arrived here. If you are a physician and have considered long term missions, please do not hesitate to contact myself, or better yet, Adventist Health International about working at Hopital Adventiste de Koza. Please pray for this hospital. Greg Shank