Liberia #24 A few days left in here than home to my wife! For the past few days we?ve been running at capacity, about 36 beds. We had a bed or two for pregnant patients, and a couple for children.…
Liberia #23
Liberia #23 So what kind of work are you applying for? I ask. Is it manual work or a desk job? “It is both manual and desk werk” What will you do? Oxfam, do community education and I will help…
Liberia #22
Liberia #22 Precious is standing at the nurses station and Bendu walks up. Bendu says “Doc, der a patient fo ultrasound”. I’m just finishing rounding on most of the 10 inpatients we have. And surprising enough they are mostly surgical. …
Liberia #21
Liberia #21 There is good news! As I was talking to Audrey this morning on Skype, she looked up Ebola and Liberia. Apparently the news this last week from the health minister, was that there are only 5 confirmed cases…