Shanksteps #75 “I need you to come to the hospital now, he is not breathing well!” As we went to the hospital I found out that a drunk man was run over by an ox cart. It has an axle…
Shanksteps #73
Shanksteps Job description of a medical missionary (and hospital director) The longer we are here, the more involved the job description of my husband: general surgeon and hospital director. When a 35-year-old man comes to the hospital with a painful…
Shanksteps #72
Shanksteps #72 Local cultural beliefs are very different from ours. Today I was able to get a glimpse of the beliefs of a tribe called Mineau. There was a child from near this area that was anemic and the mother…
Shanksteps #71
Shanksteps Neonatal Tetanus Watching him in full tetanic spasm was probably the worst thing I have ever seen in my life. Kaldoussa came to us at 8 days of age. He had been born at home with the help of…