Shanksteps #77 Have you ever had to think of surgery on your child? Â I’m sure some of you have, but I had not until recently. Â Well not actually my child, but someone who I was responsible for and felt as…
Shanksteps #78- Greg
Shanksteps #78- Greg We are now in the cooler season (85-90 deg during the day). There was a case of Polio (a disease that paralyses extremities) here in the north of Cameroon. So the last three days have been designated…
Shanksteps #78 Sarah
So here we are!  Back in Koza!  As my dad probably told you, we spent a month in Tchad.  The hospital there  was always busy; and Dad was always at the hospital; and Mom, being the devoted wife and doctor…
Shanksteps #76
 There are constantly new ways of doing things when one lives in a rural situation without many supplies.  We order medications and only half of our order arrives.  So we do without medications a long time.  We are forced to…