#48 Shanksteps 10-7-06 Sorcery? What does this make you think of? Here in Cameroon it is a very commonly used term. We have heard it described usually in reference to the cause of a sickness or death. We had another…
Shanksteps of Faith #47
Shanksteps #47 Hello Family and Friends, As I wrote last Sabbath it was crazy. Not a peaceful day. Many things, one, after another. I had a much more peaceful Sabbath this week. We were able to go to church and…
Shanksteps of Faith #43
Hi! It’s me, Sarah. If your wondering why we haven’t written in a while it’s because we where on a glorious furlough filled with ice cream! While I was there our friends and family told us how much they liked…
Shanksteps of Faith #46
9-24-06 Sabbath, our day of rest and communion with God. Well NOT TODAY! I woke up in the morning and knew I had a few patients that I had operated on the last few days and that I wanted to…