Third Shanksteps from Malawi Today, Wednesday, is the day I go to Blantyre and have a surgical clinic in the morning. the hospital vehicle leaves at 7:30 so I was in the hospital making rounds at 6:30. I started in…
Shanksteps Malawi #2
Hello again from Malawi, second day: After the late night last night, I still start at 7AM. After worship I started to make rounds with Siti. She is a clinical officer that has had three months of rotation on the…
Another message forwarded from James Appel in Chad.
Another message forwarded from James Appel in Chad. For those interested see —— Forwarded Message From: James & Sarah Appel Date: Mon, 2 Jan 2012 20:34:49 +0100 To: Subject: Grief I’m lying flat on my back on the veranda.…
#182 Shanksteps (lack of faith this AM)
#182 Shanksteps (lack of faith this AM) It’s 4AM and Audrey and I can’t sleep anymore. We have been up every hour or two throughout the night. The time change from Koza, Cameroon to Oregon is enough to be difficult.…